Page Content: The South African Association for Food Science and Technology (SAAFoST) recently launched the SAAFoST Foundation which will administer all SAAFoST academic prizes, awards and bursaries in future.
In 2015, the SAAFoST Foundation will support
19 students studying Food Science and Technology at various tertiary institutions
in South Africa. The Department of Food Science, SU is very proud that ten
Stellenbosch Food Science students will be amongst the worthy recipients of
SAAFoST support in 2015. The academic stars are: Caroline Bursey, Stephanie
Phelps, Christine van Niekerk, Carin-Marie Engelbrecht, Kayla-Anne Jordaan,
Kristin Mapstone, Emma Phillips, Celia Walters, Alexandra Rust, and Jani
Read more about SAAFoST by following
this link.
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Author: A Lombard
Media Release: No
Visibly Featured: AgriScience Department List; Food Science
Published Date: 2/19/2015
Visibly Featured Approved: Food Science Carousel;
GUID Original Article: 3FE40562-9CA8-4272-926A-B4C6DFB1A4C9
Is Highlight: No
Staff Only: No
Opsomming: Die Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Voedselwetenskap en Tegnologie (SAAFoST/SAVVoT) het onlangs die SAAFoST Stigting tot stand gebring wat voortaan namens SAAFoST alle akademiese pryse, toekennings en beurse sal administreer.
Summary: The South African Association for Food Science and Technology (SAAFoST) recently launched the SAAFoST Foundation which will administer all SAAFoST academic prizes, awards and bursaries in future.
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