Scientists from the Faculty of Science at Stellenbosch University (SU) are responsible for a brand new addition to the Woordfees programme this year, namely Science Café Stellenbosch.
The aim of a Science Café is to bridge the gap between science and the general public by entering into a conversation in a non-academic environment, like a restaurant or café. There are already hundreds of Science Cafés all over the world.
Prof Louise Warnich, dean of the Faculty of Science at SU, says a Science Café is the ideal opportunity to involve the public in conversations about science: "Scientists have a responsibility to communicate the findings of their research, but we have an even greater responsibility to engage with the general public, and that in a language that everyone can understand."
During Woordfees 2015 two of South Africa's foremost specialists on climate change and sustainable development, Guy Midgley and Reinette Biggs, will untangle 'doom and gloom' stories about climate change and environmental collapse to get you thinking and talking about the global economy and alternative development paths for our region and the Planet.
In a second Science Café, scientists from the Department of Botany and Zoology will not only talk about the birds and the bees, but also about ants and insects in general. Mike Cherry will explore why and how song has evolved in birds, Theresa Wossler will explain why the Western Cape honey bee may be under threat, while Natasha Mothapo reckons ants are such coordinated super organisms that you will never get rid of them. Michael Samways will join the conversation with a perspective on why insects should be conserved (and not instantly sprayed with a can of Doom).
Science Café Stellenbosch will be mediated by well-known radio and television personality Dave Pepler and the palaeontologist, Jurie van den Heever.
After the Woordfees, Science Café Stellenbosch will become a regular event. Prof Pieter Swart, Vice-dean: Research in the Faculty of Science, invites the public to participate and suggest topics and speakers: "We want to talk about science and Science Café Stellenbosch creates the ideal opportunity to do so."
Science Café Stellenbosch will take place on Tuesday 10 March and Wednesday 11 March from 19:30-20:30 at Die Khaya. Entrance is free.
For more information, contact or view the Woordfees programme at
On the photo, scientists from the Faculty of Science at Stellenbosch University will tackle issues such as climate change, and the birds and the bees, at the first Science Café Stellenbosch to be held during the Woordfees. They are, from the left, Reinette Biggs, Natasha Mothapo, Mike Cherry, Theresa Wossler and Guy Midgley. Photo: Anton Jordaan
Issued by Wiida Fourie-Basson, media: Faculty of Science, Stellenbosch University
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