On Thursday 26 May Prof Eddie Cole and six PhD students of the Higher Education Programme of William and Mary College in the United States visited the Center for Higher and Adult Education. They met with Prof Eli Bitzer and Prof Magda Fourie-Malherbe and five of their PhD students.
William and Mary College is the second oldest higher education institution in the US (after Harvard) and was chartered in 1693. It has just over 6 000 undergraduate and 2 000 postgraduate students and its main campus is in Williamsburg, Virginia.
Prof Cole previously worked with the well-known scholar George Kuh at Indiana University. He gave an interesting presentation on the main considerations for Higher Education Studies in the US, whereas Prof Fourie-Malherbe informed the visitors about the state of Higher Education Studies in South Africa, and Prof Bitzer highlighted the work of the Centre.
Over an informal light lunch the students used the opportunity to discuss matters of mutual interest and exchanged contact particulars with a view to future collaboration.