The Centre for Higher and Adult Education hosted the Fifth Biennial Conference on Research into Postgraduate Supervision from 25-27 March 2015. The theme of the conference was: Looking ahead: the future of postgraduate supervision in the knowledge society. A total of 156 delegates attended the conference, of whom 21 were international delegates from the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, the West Indies and Nigeria. Of the 26 public higher education institutions in South Africa thirteen were represented.
Four excellent keynote addresses were presented by Prof Pam Denicolo from the UK, Dr Claire Aitchison from Australia, Prof Michael Samuel from UKZN and Prof Johann Mouton from SU. In addition 62 papers were presented in parallel sessions. A special interest meeting of directors of postgraduate schools or centres with a view to launching a South African Council of Postgraduate Schools/Centres also took place.
One of the outcomes of the conference will be a publication on the conference theme that will be published in 2016.
Four half-day and one full-day pre-conference workshops on research and postgraduate supervision held on 24 March were fully subscribed and attended by 20 staff members from the Faculty with funding from the Vice-Dean: Research.