The first AfroSense 2015 Conference will focus on the science behind how people experiences tastes and aromas. It will be held from 23 to 27 November in Stellenbosch, and will focus on ways by which to measure the sensory qualities of products.
The conference is hosted by the Department of Food Science and the Institute for Wine Biotechnology (IWBT) in the Department of Viticulture and Oenology at Stellenbosch University (SU).
The congress will have a strong academic focus. International scientists specialising in sensometrics, sensory science and consumer related studies will share research that is unique to the local wine and food industry.
Among the keynote speakers are international experts such as Prof Tormod Næs and Dr Paula Varela of Nofima (Norway), Prof Dominique Valentin of AgroSup (France), Dr Gastón Ares (Uruguay) and Prof Erminio Monteleone (Italy). Prof Riette de Kock of the University of Pretoria will discuss the challenges and opportunities when conducting sensory research in emerging African markets.
"AfroSense is modelled on similar conferences that have already been held in Europe and Asia, with the difference that a strong focus will be placed on problems and circumstances unique to the African continent," says Dr Hélène Nieuwoudt of the SU Institute for Wine Biotechnology.
"The conference will also take note of how cultural differences between consumers across Africa influence how much they like specific products," Nina Muller of the SU Department of Food Science.
There will also be presentations on how different sensory analytical methods can be used by industry to develop new products. Methods by which to analyse data will also be discussed. A further attraction is a neuroscientific presentation on how knowledge about the brain's response to taste sensations can be used in the marketing of food and beverages.
Two half-day workshops for industry players will be held on 26 and 27 November. The first workshop will focus on rapid sensory analysis methods that can be used during the development of new products. It will be presented by Dr Paula Varela and Dr Gastón Ares. Prof Dominique Valentin will present the second workshop about the influence that psychological and cultural aspects have on consumers' taste preferences.
AfroSense 2015 takes place at the STAIS conference facility on the campus of Stellenbosch University. Registration is still open. For more information, visit
Contact Dr Hélène Nieuwoudt of the SU Institute for Wine Biotechnology ( or Nina Muller of the SU Department of Food Science ( for more information.
Media enquiries only:
Dr Hélène Nieuwoudt
Institute for Wine Biotechnology in the Department of Viticulture and Oenology
Stellenbosch University
+27 21 808 2748
Nina Muller
Department of Food Science
Stellenbosch University
+27 21 808 2939
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