Page Content:
Prof Wim de Villiers (centre), Vice-Chancellor and Rector of Stellenbosch University, is seen here with (left) Prof Stan du Plessis, Dean of the Faculty for Economic and Management Sciences, and (right) USB director Prof Piet Naudé. Prof De Villiers addressed staff on four focus areas, namely internationalisation, developing the SU brand, the university as a place of culture, and the issue of transformation. "Transformation is about much more than the numbers. As an institution the university transforms through education and through research," he said. Picture: Amber Kriel
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Author: Heindrich Wyngaard
Media Release: No
Visibly Featured: Economic and Management Sciences; Management; Staff; SU Main
Published Date: 8/25/2015
Visibly Featured Approved: Management Carousel;SU Main Snippet;
GUID Original Article: 66CF06EA-82C9-4D29-9B07-D4CCA8DC69FE
Is Highlight: No
Staff Only: No
Opsomming: Die Vise-Kanselier en Rektor van die Universiteit Stellenbosch, prof Wim de Villiers, het verlede week besoek aan die Bellvilleparkkampus afgelê, waar die USB geleë is. Hy is deur prof Piet Naudé, USB-direkteur, verwelkom.
Summary: Last week, the Vice-Chancellor and Rector of Stellenbosch University, Prof Wim de Villiers, paid a visit to the Bellville Park campus, where the USB is situated. He was welcomed by USB director Prof Piet Naudé.