Persons who wish to undertake invigilation duties during the SU examinations from Tuesday 27 October to Saturday 05 December 2015 have the opportunity to apply till Thursday 17 September 2015.
Minimum qualification is Matric, but preference will be given to graduated SU staff members and post graduate students. Undergraduate students unfortunately do not qualify. Lecturing staff should obtain permission from their Deans but are not required to apply for leave.
Remuneration is R64,00 per hour, plus an additional half hour per examination session for invigilators, and an additional two hours per examination session for convenors. Remuneration for all invigilation until 18 November 2015 will be paid on December 15, 2015 and for the period thereafter at the end of January 2016.
Application forms are available at the Information Desk, Admin A. Closing date for applications is Thursday 17 September 2015 at 16:00. Contact Miriam Walters at 021 8089111 for further enquiries. Submission of an application form does not guarantee appointment.