The Division for Social Impact (formerly Community Interaction) is now headed by Dr Antoinette Smith-Tolken, in the place of Dr Jerome Slamat, who was seconded to the Rector's Office in June as Executive Manager: Rectorate.
Dr Smith-Tolken has been with Stellenbosch University (SU) since 2000. Most recently she was Deputy Director: Community Interaction, heading up Service Learning and Community-Based Research.
The Division for Community Interaction has been renamed the Division for Social Impact. This forms part of changes in the Responsibility Centre (RC) of Prof Nico Koopman. He was appointed Acting Rector: Community Interaction and Personnel in June, after which his portfolio was restructured and enlarged. It is now called "Social Impact, Transformation and Personnel". SU Rector and Vice-Chancellor Prof Wim de Villiers informed Senate of this development on 28 August 2015.
"Greater impact on society is one of SU's strategic priorities. In this way, we endeavour to give effect to our goal of being future focused. By changing Community Interaction to Social Impact, we sharpen our focus," Prof Koopman explained.
He says Dr Smith-Tolken has the requisite expertise and relevant experience for her now position. "She is a sociologist and educationist who loves research. She will help us make our social impact research driven."
Dr Smith-Tolken holds an MPhil in Sociology and a PhD in Education (Curriculum Studies) from SU. Her fields of expertise are community development, experiential learning pedagogies and community-based research methodologies.
She plays a leading role in the proliferation of service-learning and community engagement in South Africa and beyond. She is a co-founder of the International Symposium: Service-Learning, which took place for the sixth time earlier this year – in Indianapolis in the US. Her research record reflects several national and international publications.
Dr Smith-Tolken will be an ex officio member of Senate, and will serve on the Senate Committee for Social Impact (previously Community Interaction).