Khanya Mncwabe is the new research analyst at USB's Centre for Corporate Governance in Africa. She will support the World Economic Forum's New Social Covenant project. Before joining USB, Khanya worked as a researcher and representative for Anglophone Southern and Western Africa at the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre.
Here she tells us more about her new role at the business school:
"I have been appointed Values Research Analyst in the Centre for Corporate Governance and I will provide research support to the South African component of the New Social Covenant project, an initiative of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Values.
"The project proposes an ethical approach to business premised on a commitment to three values, namely the dignity of all persons, the common good and stewardship of the planet. My key priority will be to assist the companies participating in the project pilot to develop company-specific new social covenants that effectively incorporate these values into company policy and practice and to provide substance to the concept of the New Social Covenant.
"The project intends to draw on the South African National Development Plan and UN Sustainable Development Goals since both conceive of a positive role for and provide indicators to guide the corporate sector in contributing to sustainable development."