The levels of commitment and engagement amongst the SU community at all levels on and off campus is impressive. On campus, there is always such a buzz, whether it's the sound of students and professors engaged in lively discussions, or the students preparing to compete for Varsity Cup, Sêr Nationals, or the annual African Human Rights Moot Court competition.
From the inaugural Thys Visser commemorative lecture series in 2014 to the spirited engagement at the Frederik van Zyl Slabbert Leadership Institute's regular Discourse Cafés, we remember for their contribution those who have gone before with spirited communion and generative ideas.
Beyond the campus, our alumni remain engaged and committed to the alma mater. We are truly grateful for your support as volunteers, ambassadors, arts supporters, sports team enthusiasts and donors. I look forward to getting to know you, learning your personal stories and, together, creating a shared future for all Maties.
With a robust enrolment of more than 30 000 students in 2015, Stellenbosch University continues to offer a transformative educational experience, nurturing both knowledge and character. Here, our students learn how to excel in their chosen field, while developing the values and purpose to see how their work can impact communities. It's that little something extra we call leadership development.
From bursaries and scholarships, to capacity building programmes and student success initiatives, your support sends our students out into the world, prepared to contribute to a brighter future. They will make a difference because you have made a difference.
Philanthropy is equally crucial to Stellenbosch University's research mission. Many important and exciting research projects are progressing thanks to the continued generosity of our community of donors. It is this support that enables the University to continue to compete globally as one of the top tier African universities, and with local relevance and integrity.
The HOPE Project was a big capital campaign and its initiatives have largely been integrated into the fabric of the University. As a team, we have reflected on the many learnings from this campaign in 2015. This year has provided a great opportunity for the introduction of some change management strategies, to relook at our systems and processes, and an opportunity to refocus the team.
Thank you for remaining committed to Stellenbosch University, for being so welcoming and willing to share ideas and insights always, and for contributing to Stellenbosch University in so many meaningful ways. I look forward to working with you in the future.