Election of Council Members for the term 02 April 2016 - 01 April 2020
Notice to all members of the Convocation
Members of the Convocation of Stellenbosch University have been notified in the press that three (3) vacancies have arisen on the University Council, owing to the expiry of the term of office of Dr JP (Koos) Bekker, Prof DP (Prieur) du Plessis and Mr PJ (Piet) le Roux, who were duly elected as members of the Council by the Convocation for the term 02 April 2012 to 01 April 2016.
A fourth vacancy has since arisen due to the resignation of Dr GC (George) du Toit, who was elected as Council member of the University, by the Convocation for the period 02 April 2014 to 01 April 2018. This vacancy will be handled and filled after this election process has been finalise.
Members of the Convocation were requested to submit nominations in order to fill these three (3) vacancies. As more than three (3) candidates have been nominated, an election is being held. Your CONFIDENTIAL BALLOT must reach the Registrar before 12:00 on 10 March 2016. The validity of ballots will be verified.
Election rules
1. You may vote for a maximum of three (3) candidates. Mark the box next to the name(s) of the candidate(s) for whom you want to vote and complete the ballot. No other amendment to the ballot is allowed.
2. No one may cast more than one ballot and your CONFIDENTIAL BALLOT must be completed in full.
3. If necessary a CONFIDENTIAL BALLOT in hard copy can be requested from the Registrar, Stellenbosch University at (021) 808 9398.
4. No person is allowed to vote on your behalf or use your ballot to vote on.
5. With the completion of this ballot, the voter concerned personally assumes responsibility for compliance with the election rules as stipulated above. Transgressing the above rules amounts to fraud and is a criminal offence. All cases where fraud is suspected will be investigated and may lead to criminal prosecution.
Five ways to vote
You can vote in any one of 5 different ways – the closing date for whichever way you vote is 10 March 2016 at 12:00
1. Electronically by clicking on the voting button below
2. Fax this completed ballot to: 086 606 7946
3. Scan and email this completed ballot to konvokasie@sun.ac.za
4. Mail this completed ballot in a sealed envelope marked CONFIDENTIAL: BALLOT, to Mr Johann Aspeling, Registrar, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602
5. Deliver this completed ballot in a sealed envelope marked CONFIDENTIAL: BALLOT, to:
Mr Johann Aspeling, Registrar, Stellenbosch University, Room A 3016, Admin A, Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch
The following candidates have been duly nominated:
Mr JS (Job) Amupanda
CV – Obtained my MA (Political Science) at SU; an enlightening encounter in my academic /intellectual life.
Vision - Two things stood out; (1) SU Internationalization Agenda and (2) SU Transformation Efforts. My experience and understanding of both will be my greatest contribution, amongst others, as a Council Member. We can do it!
Prof A (Andre) Coetzee
CV - Emeritus Professor and Executive Chairman, Anesthesiology and Critical Care, SU.
Vision - A non-racial university where academic merit is the priority and Afrikaans is maintained as equal academic and administrative language in a multilingual environment.
Prof DP (Prieur) du Plessis
CV – DBA & MBA (cum laude) (Stell). Professor extraordinaire (Stell); Boards: SU (chairman: Audit and Risk Committee), USB, Distell, IoDSA, PPS; President: USB Alumni Association.
Vision - To further develop SU as institution of world-class excellence, managed in accordance with sustainable business principles and also a home to Afrikaans speakers in a multi-lingual/-cultural environment. http://www.prieurduplessis.co.za.
Prof L (Loretta) Feris
CV - BA (law), LLB, LLD (Stell), LLM (Georgetown University) is professor and director of the Institute of Marine and Environmental Law at UCT.
Vision - Stellenbosch University must respond to the demands for social transformation by ensuring high quality education and research in a diverse and inclusive environment.
Mr HF (Heinrich) Gonzales
CV - Admitted attorney currently employed by AfriForum at its Head Office in Pretoria.
Vision - I will fight to retain Afrikaans as language of instruction on campus. It is my vision to act as the mouthpiece for Maties alumni, and to promote Afrikaans as language of instruction at the University.
Prof J (Joan) Hambidge
CV - Is a professor, poet and public intellectual at UCT.
Vision - The diminishing of Afrikaans will impact negatively on foreign and indigenous languages in South Africa.
Adv JC (Jan) Christiaan Heunis
CV - BA, LLB, LLM cum laude, LLD. Senior counsel, author, Vice-President of US Convocation, former member of US Council, lecturer, Chief State Law Adviser, acting Judge, member of the Special Electoral Court, adviser to Constitutional Assembly.
Vision - To ensure, consistently with Constitution, that Afrikaans remains a primary language of instruction at the US.
Dr J (Jerry) Mameja
CV – Founder and Chairman, Otesa Group.
Vision – As a Master Degree graduate from US, to assist the University to establish itself as a centre of excellence, to educate leaders who are strong in character and judgement, and are committed to share their knowledge for the betterment of mankind.
Ms RS (Ronalda) Nalumango
CV – Proportional Councillor at Stellenbosch municipality.
Vision - I understand the dynamics of the broader Stellenbosch community. Stellenbosch is one of the best universities in South Africa and should therefore be more accessible and inclusive of all despite ethnicity, class, language or race. Stellenbosch is for all.
Dr CJ (Corinne) Oosthuizen
CV – 31 Years' experience as Clinical Psychologist (private practitioner), 25 years' experience as expert consultant systems in transformation.
Vision - SU is a place where academic excellence is furthered; where Afrikaans is constructively maintained, where solutions are sought for financing; in a context where diversity and transformation requires open, tolerant discourse.
Mr CA (Chris) Otto
CV - B.Comm LLB (Stell). Businessman, founding director of PSG Group, Capitec Bank and Zeder Investments.
Vision - I am passionate about Stellenbosch, excellence, inclusiveness, sport, justice and the future. Expecting difficult times ahead. I'm Afrikaans, believe US should accommodate Afrikaans, but language should not prevent us from producing national and international leaders.
Ms BN (Bettina) Wyngaard
CV - Author and attorney.
Vision - For US to remain relevant, it must seriously examine structural power imbalances. Academic excellence has to be balanced with inclusivity and embracing diversity. This also means a radical rethinking of language, to enable Afrikaans, together with other languages, to become an instrument of inclusion.
Mr Johann Aspeling
Stellenbosch University
6 February 2016