A new issue of SPiL plus is now available at http://spilplus.journals.ac.za/.
The SAMWOP-3 special issue is guest edited by Prof. Ian Bekker from North-West University.
Vol 48 (2015)
Table of Contents
Editorial - I. Bekker
Review articles
Open Review: Kadenge & Simango 2014. Comparing vowel hiatus resolution in ciNsenga and chiShona: An Optimality Theory analysis' - G. Sibanda
Review Reply: Comparing vowel hiatus resolution in ciNsenga and chiShona: An Optimality Theory analysis: A reply to Galen Sibanda - M. Kadenge & S.R. Simango
Open Review: Another perspective on Bennett’s (2014) ‘Agreement, dependencies, and Surface Correspondence in Obolo and beyond’ - B. Connell
Review Reply: Agreement, history, and Obolo: A reply to Connell - Wm. Bennett
Outlining the parameters for a linguistic nativist position - M. de Vos
The case for an emergentist approach - B. Van Rooy and H. Kruger
Mobility as a feature: Evidence from Zulu - J. Zeller
The uses of some as determiner in BSAfE - Y. Botha
Aspectual auxiliary verbs in Xitsonga - S.J. Lee and C. Hlungwani
Palatalisation of /s/ in Afrikaans - D. Wissing, W. Pienaar and D. van Niekerk