On Friday 5 February 2016 a special lexicography colloquium was held in honour of Prof. Herbert Ernst Wiegand, Professor Emeritus at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, who recently celebrated his eightieth birthday. The colloquium took place at the Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg in Germany. Prof. Wiegand, a leading international metalexicographer, was awarded an honorary doctorate by Stellenbosch University in 2006.
After the colloquium, a festschrift entitled Wörterbuchforschung und Lexikographie was presented to Prof. Wiegand. The editors of this volume are Proff. Stefan Schierholz (Erlangen), Rufus Gouws (Stellenbosch), Dr. Zita Hollós (Budapest) and Prof. Werner Wolski (Paderborn). The photo taken at the event of Proff. Gouws and Wiegand, Dr. Hollós and Prof. Schierholz commemorates this special occasion.