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Innovation: A "Fees" newspaper for the Woordfees!

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The Stellenbosch University Woordfees 2015 proudly presents

Innovation: A "Fees" newspaper for the Woordfees!

In 2015, for the first time since the inception of the Woordfees, it will have its own newspaper. "This is a big and proud moment. The lack of a Woordfees newspaper has always pained us, especially if you consider the resources available to us: the Journalism Department, Die Burger, Eikestadnuus as well as the many writers, journalists and creatives in our midst," according to Saartjie Botha, the director of Woordfees 2015. “We are also privileged to have Jacolette Kloppers, lecturer in journalism at the North-West University's Vaal Triangle Campus, as first editor. I am not aware of a single person that would doubt her abilities or integrity.”

The experienced Hannelie Cronjé, will fulfil the role of publisher. She is well known in this field and has many years of experience at Die Burger. Cronjé, who currently resides in Reitz is also the publisher of the KKNK newspaper, Krit.

Botha assures that even though the festival owns the newspaper, it will not dictate editorial policy. "Fair criticism is healthy and the festival needs to grow and develop." The participation of the Department of Journalism will, according to her, also contribute to strengthen the paper's independent voice. "The office of the editor will function independently, without interference from the Woordfees organisers."

Reviews will mainly be done by the experienced journalists on the team, while the journalism-students will, generally, be responsible for Woordfees news.

Eikestadnuus will host the daily digital edition on their website.

Competition: The public is invited to suggest a name. Litnet will host an online competition in search of the ideal title. Five double tickets to any shows are on offer. (Subject to availability.)* Visit http://www.litnet.co.za/Article/wen-vyf-dubbelkaartjies-na-us-woordfees-2015.

The tablet sized, 12 page newspaper will appear seven times. A special Overview is planned Thursday the 5th of March. Thereafter it will be published daily form Monday 9 March up to Saturday 14 March.

* The US Woordfees retains there right not to use any of the suggestions.


For more information, or an interview with any of the artists, please contact Frieda le Roux at the Woordfees office or on 082 742 4156 or at friedaleroux@sun.ac.za

For advertising, please contact Hannelie Cronje at 083 303 6117 or hanneliec@vkb.co.za.

About the Newspaper

Publisher: Hannelie Cronje

Editor: Jacolette Kloppers

Lay out: Johnn-Grant Munroe

News team: Journalism class of 2015 from the Journalism Department, Stellenbosch University

Journalists and Reviewers: To be announced

Photographers: TO be announced

Digital presence: Eikestadnuus, www.eikestadanuus.co.za


Page Image:
Author: Frieda le Roux
Media Release: Yes
Visibly Featured: SU Main; Woordfees; Woordfees Carousel
Published Date: 12/9/2014
Visibly Featured Approved: SU Main; Woordfees; Woordfees Carousel; Article list;
GUID Original Article: A97D0037-1F94-4E28-B90C-BBA0DD478F03
Is Highlight: Yes
Staff Only: No
Opsomming: Die Universiteit Stellenbosch Woordfees 2015 bied met trots aan
Summary: The Stellenbosch University Woordfees 2015 proudly presents

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