Our program just gets bigger and better!
Big Surprise!
Information regarding these show is only available on the website and not in the Festival companion.
Laurika Rauch and Elvis Blue will share the stage at the Spier Amphitheatre during Woordfees.
Hart en See – Laurika Rauch en Elvis Blue
Director: Deon Opperman
Musical Director, adaptation and keyboard: Janine Neethling
With Laurika Rauch, Elvis Blue and a two-man band
Elvis Blue once quipped "At the end, the heart and the see is exactly the same thing: mysterious, unreadable and central to our existence." Laurika and Elvis have more in common than not, thus Hart en See will deliver an unforgettable musical experience!
15 March 20:30 | Spier Amphitheatre | 70min | R180/R150
A Exciting, groundbreaking work from the Namakwaland!
Kalahari Swaan
Script and directing: Jason Jacobs
Supporting cherography: Amy Cloete
With Deidre Jantjies, Kaylin Coetsee, Marco Titus, Dustin Beck and Courtney Smith
A dream galaxy, a neglected house and a old mining company, is where storyteller and listener dust off the dirt blanket to discovery the journey of a young miner earning for freedom. Inspired by Tchaikovsky's Swanemeer, Kalahari Swaan is a rough discovery of the true struggle for a better life.
11 March 20h30 | 14 March 10:00 | 15 March 11:00 | Breughel Theatre | 35 min | R80
An extra performance by
The Universitychoir of Stellenbosch
13 March 13:15 | kykNET Endler | 35min | R60
The following program items have changed since the publication of the Festival Companion:
RSG Gespreksreeks: Geldsake (RSG Discussions: Money Matters)
Presented by Naledi and RSG
What is the key to financial success? Is there a sure way to happiness and wealth? Prof. Niel Krige, Dries du Toit and Hein Kruger discuss money related matters with the worldwide bestseller The richest man in Babylon as backdrop.
9 March 10:00 | Book Tent | 50min | R50
RSG Gespreksreeks: Regsake (RSG Discussions: The Law)
Presented by Naledi and RSG
Are books that try to present the law to "dummies" worth it? Which law issues should the man on street be aware of? Igna Klynsmith (Wat sê die prokureur?) and Ian Wessels discuss contracts, legal advice and self-help books.
12 March 10:00 | Book Tent | 50min | R50
RSG Gespreksreeks: Sielkunde (RSG Discussions: Psychology)
Presented by Naledi and RSG
Do self-help books help? OR do these just exploit the weaknesses of the readers? How do you choose a good self-help book? Louis Awerbuck and Lise Swart (Wie is ek?) discuss the self-help genre and the reactions of readers.
11 March 10:00 | Book Tent | 50min | R50
Cancelled shows:
Al Lovejoy: Acid Alex
Jakkie Louw: Die musikant se handboek
À la manière de ... TwoPianists
Woord en klank: DJ Opperman se “Gebed om die gebeente”
Praat van die duiwel