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Robbers targeted students on and off Stellenbosch campus during the past week.
Especially visitors to the Jan Marais Park should be vigilant. Don’t walk alone and keep pepper-spray handy.
Campus Security emergency number: 021 808 2333.
Three people connected to incidents that took place on campus were arrested by Campus Security.
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Author: Korporatiewe bemarking / Corporate Marketing
Media Release: No
Visibly Featured: Safety Carousel; Students Carousel
Published Date: 2/20/2015
Visibly Featured Approved: Safety Carousel;
GUID Original Article: 5155342A-586C-407D-9E6F-8FC638DF4356
Is Highlight: No
Staff Only: No
Opsomming: Rowers het die afgelope week studente in die dorp en ook op die Stellenbosch-kampus geteiken.
Summary: Robbers targeted students on and off Stellenbosch campus during the past week.
The article is now complete, begin the approval process: No