Prof Nico Koopman, Dean of the Faculty of Theology, has been appointed as acting Vice-Rector: Community Interaction and Personnel. He and Prof Mohammad Karaan, who served as acting Vice-Rector since May 2014, will work together for a month to ensure a smooth transition.
Prof Karaan will return to the Faculty of AgriSciences, but has received study leave from the University.
Prof Hendrik Bosman, Professor in Old Testament, will serve as the acting Dean of the Faculty of Theology.
"I would like to express my appreciation to Prof Karaan for his contribution," Prof Wim de Villiers, Rector and Vice-Chancellor, said. "For the last five years, he was also a member of the National Planning Commission, which made his contributions invaluable."
Of Prof Koopman, Prof De Villiers said: "He has shown exceptional expertise as Dean. At Theology, he was very successful in the creation of a transformed environment in terms of diversity. I look forward to be working with him as a member of the management team for the foreseeable future."
Photographs: Prof Nico Koopman, prof Mohammad Karaan and prof Hendrik Bosman.