The Division for Research Development (DRD) was visited by a senior delegation from the University of Botswana (UB) on 4-5 June 2015. The purpose of this visit was to benchmark best practices in research and innovation management. The DRD at Stellenbosch University has a long standing relationship with the UB Office of Research Development, as they were consortium partners for a four year period in the EU funded RIMI4AC project. The project, which also involved the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) and three other universities across the African continent, focussed on the development of Research and Innovation management capacity in Africa and the Caribbean. Dr Therina Theron, Senior Director: Research and Innovation, says: "The DRD is grateful to be well connected to research management divisions at universities across the African continent. Discussions on best practices in the research and innovation management environment are always enriching and mutually beneficial. In my view, collaboration amongst research management offices on the continent has the potential to lift the African research base to new heights, and we will continue to engage our partner institutions in Southern Africa, in particular through our active participation in regional bodies such as SARIMA (The Southern African Research and Innovation Management Association)." The DRD involved several sister SU support divisions in their deliberations with the delegation, in order to provide the full spectrum of research support at SU to the UB visitors.
*Photo (from left to right):
Riana Coetsee (DRD); Mogodisheng B.M. Sekhwela (UB); Wellington Masamba (Director: Okavango Research Institute); Maléne Fouché (DRD); Maryke Hunter-Hüsselmann (DRD); Motsoptse Modisi (Director: Office of Research and Development, UB); Monica Matlhaku (UB); Therina Theron (Senior Director: Research and Innovation, SU); Molefe Rantsudu (UB) (Photo: Justin Alberts)