A comprehensive mural art project was launched by the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences this year, aimed at decorating certain areas in the faculty’s buildings to enhance a welcoming culture and strengthen the faculty brand.
The first wall – on the second floor of the Schumann building – has already been decorated with wallpaper – while the second area – the foyer of the Schumann building – will be tackled during the upcoming September holiday.
As part of the bigger mural art project students have recently been invited to send in selfies to be considered for display on the wall at Fharga (the area for computer users on the top floor of the Neelsie).
Besides Fargha, mural art is also planned for spaces in the CGW Schumann, Van der Sterr and Accounting & Stats buildings, and the Schumann Annex.
According to Ronel Beukes, responsible for communication and liaison in the faculty, it will take more than a year to complete the whole project. Part of the planning had to be rescheduled to allow for reparation work to the Van der Sterr building.
“We are experiencing a period of renovation and changes to all the faculty's buildings and spaces. One of the first spaces to have been renovated was Fharga. Since then the Schumann Annex – which includes two lecture halls – was completed, as well as the office areas for the Departments of Logistics as well as Statistics and Actuarial Science. Reparation work to the section of the Van der Sterr building that was damaged in a fire earlier this year is progressing well,” said Beukes.
“We have all these lovely new spaces and the idea originated to decorate certain areas with mural art to make them more attractive and welcoming. The faculty really wants the students to identify with the various areas.”
In addition, information boards in all the buildings are also being revamped. In support of the project's aims the information will be in three languages.
More about the selfie project
- Photos of present and past students are welcome.
- Upload your selfie before 31 August 2015 at https://sunsurveys.sun.ac.za/Project-Selfies.aspx.
- Only photos are required for the mural art – no names, surnames, student numbers, etc. will be used on walls. Information required when uploading your selfie is for control purposes only (to ensure you’re a student).